This is a quick video I made on my birthday. Which is on April 24th. Finished this in about one day. Just for fun, this is the 3rd year in a row, me making something, and uploaded it on youtube on my birthday. It's a weird habit that I gotten used to. This is also a dedication video to two of my friends who happen to have the same birthday as me, and also for the people whos been supporting me, or watched my videos, loved my videos, for the past two years and a half. I get a lot of inspiration when I receive so much wonderful comments from my viewers. I Had fun editing to this, hope you guys enjoy. Thanks for watching!
It's been a while since the last Iron Chef, and as all the russians participants realized I was extending the Prelude to Death to its full version. So it was a matter of time to see the second part.
Special thanks to AimoAio, [madaraxD], ibabrak and Fa Ma for the help in this video
This video was created after I decided that the anime and song realted to each other in a way. In this AMV I tried to show that even the closest people to us can slip right through our grasp. Enjoy.
Hungry Bobo: Всем шлю культурный привет. Это наш первый совместный проект с Example. Спасибо ему огромное, если бы не он, я бы так и не закончил этот клип. Так как мы молодые бойцы, от клипа не стоит ждать чего-то сверхъестественного, но, уверен, он сможет достойно принять этот бой. Аригато годзаимас!
Example: Йо! Что я могу сказать? - рад был поработать вместе с Бобо, спасибо ему за выбор такого стильного м/в. У нас было не так много времени на создание+ я ленивая задница, уставшая от запиливания своего соло и с защитой диплома на носу...ладно хватит дурацких оправданий!-вообщем, думаю наша работа не затеряется в океане баке/нисе - клипов. P.S. Хорошо поизвращались над треком)